
The Lord has place on our spirits to build a community of believers through outreaches, bible studies and technology. Having your feet planted on a solid foundation is critical. We will be focusing on blessings people with any influence or resources we establish through Prayer walks and tangible gifts to expressive inward and outward love. Being missional adapting to our cultures will take us to level that have a lack of success of meeting people where they are at in life without losing our identity and staying true to Gods word.

Support Our Efforts

Our Blessed Campaign is taking the world by storm because our efforts are the righteousness of Gods will. “You have been Blessed”




  • Dominican Republic Outreach
  • Outreach
  • Outreach
  • Outreach
  • Outreach
As you can see our vison is big, but not as huge as Gods’. ITC plan is to continue to be led by the Holy Spirit in all that we do. Our evangelistic juices are always flowing to create love and peace for communities all over the world. We did our first mission trip this year and went to the Dominican Republic. There, God was able use us to introduce some kids to American football. The outreach we supported has a food ministry that feeds 75-100 kids three times a week. Some of those kids would not receive meals at night if not for this unbelievable outreach program. They have saved many unreached people by providing meals for the youth in the village. While there, we were able to bless them with a computer and film projector for other activities going forward.


Sundays at 10am and 1pm
Wednesdays at 7pm


123 Imaginary Drive
New York, New York


Fun and casual for
all ages and families



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